Beyond DFCCEducation


Preschoolers come to school eager to learn and begin to take responsibility for their learning. This age group starts to construct knowledge not only through exploration and observation but also through reflection and implementation of their daily plan.

They are able to develop interactions with materials, people and events that are important to them. The HighScope influence on the DFCC curriculum really takes root with this age group. Key Developmental Indicators, the group of concepts to be taught, fill individual lesson plans designed to meet the needs of each child.

Children use the cycle of Plan, Do, Review to guide their active exploration during work time. Small and large group activities follow a daily schedule so that individual choices play out within the structure of time, offering security and endless possibilities to this age group. Daily lessons are based on natural occurrences in each child’s life. Months of the year, seasons, and holidays generate the activities.

Language and printed materials are prevalent as children see their spoken words have meaning, can be written down and read at a later time. Teachers develop a safe and meaningful relationship with each child to encourage academic and personal growth.

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